Grabe, E. M., Brown, D.K. et al. (2023). The Social Contagion Potential of Pro-Vaccine Messages on Black Twitter. Health Communication.
Masullo, G., Brown, D. K. & Harlow, S. (2023). Shifting the Protest Paradigm? Legitimizing and Humanizing Protest Coverage Lead to More Positive Attitudes toward Protest, Mixed Results on News Credibility. Journalism.
Gruszczynski, M., Brown, D. K., Pierce, H., Grabe, M. E. (2023). Facing the Competition: Gender Differences in Facial Emotion and Prominence in Visual News Coverage of Democratic Presidential Primary Candidates. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
Brown, D. K. & Mourâo, R. R. (2022). No Reckoning for the Right: How Political Ideology, Protest Intolerance and Media Consumption Affect Support for Black Lives Matter Protests. Political Communication.
Midberry, J.; Brown, D. K.; Potter, R.; & Comfort, R. (2022). The Influence of Visual Frame Contributions in Solutions Journalism Studies. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
Brown, D. K. (2022). Media Models for Nonviolence: Social media representations of the #womensmarch mass mobilization and Instagram audience engagement. International Journal of Communication.
García Perdomo, V.; Harlow, S.; & Brown, D. K. (2022). Framing the Colombian Peace Process: Between Peace and War Journalism. Journalism Practice. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2022.2062428
Harlow, S., & Brown, D. K. (2022). Perceptions vs. Performance: How Routines, Norms, and Values Influence Journalists’ Protest Coverage Decisions. Journalism. 23(2): 372-390.
Brown, D. K. (2021). When Is The “Racist” Designation Truly Applicable? News Media’s Contribution to the Debatability of Racism. Television and New Media.
Brown, D. K., Wilnar, T. & Masullo, G. (2021). “It’s just not the whole story”: Black perspectives of protest portrayals. Howard Journal of Communications. DOI: 10.1080/10646175.2021.2012852
Brown, D. K. (2021). Police Violence and Protests: Digital Media Maintenance of Racism, Protest Repression, and the Status Quo. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media.
Brown, D. K. & Harlow, S. (2021). Hearts and Hahas of the Public: Exploring how protest frames and sentiment influence emotional emoji engagement with Facebook news posts. Journalism Studies.
Mourão, R. R. & Brown, D. K. (2021). Black Lives Matter Coverage: How Protest News Frames and Attitudinal Change Affects Social Media Engagement. Digital Journalism. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2021.1931900
Harlow, S., & Brown, D. K. (2021). Protest News and Facebook Engagement: How the hierarchy of social struggle is rebuilt on social media. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/10776990211017243
*2022 JMCQ Outstanding Article Award
Brown, D. K. & Mourão, R. R. (2021). Protest Coverage Matters: How Media Framing and Visual Communication Affects Support for Black Lives Matter. Mass Communication & Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/15205436.2021.1884724
Brown, D. K. & Midberry, J. (2020) Social Media News Production, Emotional Facebook Reactions, and the Politicization of Drug Addiction. Health Communication.
Harlow, S., Brown, D.K.,García Perdomo, V. & Salaverría, R. (2020). Is the whole world watching? Building a typology of protest coverage on social media from around the world. Journalism Studies.
Kilgo, D.K. & Mourão, R. R. (2019). Media Effects and Marginalized Ideas: Relationships Among Media Consumption and Support for Black Lives Matter. The International Journal of Communication.
Brown, D.K. & Harlow, S. (2019). Protest, Media Coverage, and a Hierarchy of Social Struggle. International Journal of Press/Politics. Ahead of print. Retrieved at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1940161219853517?journalCode=hijb
Brown, D.K., Ng, M., Riedl, M.J., & Lacasa, I. (2018). Reddit's Veil of Anonymity: Predictors of engagement and participation in media environments with hostile reputations. Social Media + Society.
Kilgo, D. K., Boulter, T., and Coleman R. (2018). Face Value: Face value: Linking nonverbal cues to character traits in impression formation of politicians. International Journal of Communication.
Brown, D. K., Mourão, R.R., and Sylvie, G. (2018). Martin to Brown: How time and platform impact coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement. Journalism Practice.
Brown, D. K., Harlow, S., García Perdomo, V., & Salaverría, R. (2018). From #Ferguson to #Ayotzinapa: Analyzing the Differences in Domestic and Foreign Protest News Shared on Social Media. Mass Communication & Society.
Mourão, R.R., Brown, D. K., & Sylvie, G. (2018). Framing Ferguson: The interplay of advocacy frames, journalistic frames and sourcing in newspaper coverage of Michael Brown. Journalism.
Brown, D. K., Yoo, J., and Johnson, T.J. (2018) Spreading Ebola panic: Newspaper and social media coverage of the 2014 Ebola health crisis. Health Communication.
Brown, D. K., Lough, K., and Riedl, M. J. (2017) Emotional appeals and news values as factors of shareworthiness in Ice Bucket Challenge news coverage. Digital Journalism.
Harlow, S., Salaverría, R., Brown, D.K., and García Perdomo, V. (2017). Protest Paradigm in Multimedia: Social Media Sharing of Coverage about the Crime of Ayotzinapa, Mexico. Journal of Communication.
Garcia-Perdomo, V., Salaverria, R., Brown, D.K. & Harlow, S. (2017). To share or not to share: Influence of news values and topics on social media. Journalism Studies.
Brown, D.K.; Harlow, S., Garcia-Perdomo, V., Salaverria, R. (2016). A New Sensation: An international exploration of sensationalism and social media recommendations in online news publications. Journalism.
Brown, D.K.; Yoo, J.; Geise, S; Sinta, V.; Suran, M.; Johnson, T. (2016). Led it on Reddit: Factors of Opinion Leadership on Reddit. First Monday. Retrieved at: http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/6429
Brown, D.K.; Sinta, V. (2016) Six things you didn’t know about headline writing: Sensational form in headline writing of traditional and digitally native news organizations. Research Journal of the International Symposium of Journalism.
Brown, D.K. (2015). Media Landscape on Tumblr: News organization convergence attributes in youth-oriented social media networks. Digital Journalism.
Suran, M., & Brown, D.K. (2015). Freedom from the press? How anonymous gatekeepers on Reddit covered the Boston Marathon Bombings. Journalism Studies.